Our programs & Services

Limitless AchieveHER

A private 4-6 month Therapeutic Coaching program following my proven framework and method.

Assess and audit: Conduct an awareness audit of your thoughts and environment to assess your current circumstances and build awareness of areas that need challenging.

Dig Deeper and Disrupt: Dig deeper into your thought patterns, challenge limiting beliefs, and actively disrupt negative thinking. Celebrate each positive change you make along the way to create a positive momentum for further transformation. Use neuroplasticity and behavioral change methods to guide your new stories and beliefs.

Transfer and Transform: Cultivate unwavering confidence and self-belief by mastering one area of your life and then transfer the skills, mindset, and accomplishments to another area. Use your success as a foundation to continue transforming various aspects of your life.

You are taken through the art of self mastery, a deep understanding of what you have been through, who you are and where you are going once the thoughts, stories and beliefs that no longer serve you are detached and dismantled.

Reinvent with Intent

A coaching experience that provides you with a roadmap to create the mind (and body) you’ve always wanted!

You will master the the key areas of mindset & psychology, nutrition, and overall self care to build a lifestyle that fuels personal fulfillment, relationship depth and career success.

You are fully supported by someone who is your cheerleader, biggest supporter, therapist, and coach.

How the Program Works:

  • Bi-weekly community calls to dig in and create an action plan answering all questions and tons of support
  • Monthly 1:1 calls with Lauren to overcome any obstacles and dig deeper
  • Meal plan catered to your life and goals broken down by macronutrients
  • Zoom group trainings live and recorded
  • Customized training plan done at home or in a gym (if desired)
  • 24/7 Voxer text messaging support Monday through Friday
  • Downloadable mindset curriculum and reflective journal 
Going out to eat

Half and Full Day Transformational Experience

Spend a day (or a half day) together.
Transform your life from chaos and doubt into a haven of confidence and empowerment, where you can finally embrace the mental freedom you deserve.
No more holding yourself back with negative thoughts, overthinking, second guessing and people pleasing to everyone around you. No more confusion with your health journey. In this full day experience, we craft a mind and body blueprint for you to walk away with the plan of action to begin your journey.

Through this intimate and personalized program, Lauren will work closely with you, either in person at your location or virtually, to craft a customized plan for your growth, healing and elevation

It starts with a zoom call to understand exactly where you are right now and talking through where you would like to be.

During the experience, together, you’ll chart a path that aligns with your aspirations and untapped potential and goals. The day includes personal development and therapy, a workbook, and a health aspect either the gym or a self care modality that Lauren feels will best suit you and your needs.

Embrace the luxury of having a mentor and guide who understands your struggles and aspirations after one month of text message support with Lauren. She will be by your side throughout the transformation, offering unwavering support for an entire month as you implement your new strategy.

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