Meet the Therapist & Coach

I’m a therapist, coach, and speaker specializing in helping people change their lives and by mastering their minds, ditching perfectionism so they thrive in their relationships, health and career paths.

I have a master’s degree in mental health counseling and psychology, a certification in behavioral change and over 10 years of experience in mental health, Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) , health and wellness.

I work with high achieving perfectionists to continue to gain success and rise in their industry by uncovering the beliefs and actions that have held them back, so that they can build a life of freedom, happiness and success

Hey there!

I’m Lauren Nicole.

As a young adolescent I had an eating disorder, and was ruled by perfectionism, always thinking I needed to do “more”. I was always overthinking and overworking because the fear of failing scared the life out of me.

I put an intense amount of stress on myself to succeed in all areas of life which gave me success on the outside but on the inside hindered my health and my relationships.

I was unfulfilled, depressed, and never acknowledged my success. This fueled my low self esteem and increased my persona as a woman with high functioning anxiety.

After a heartbreak and a rock bottom moment, I decided to actually become the woman who had it all instead of pretending. I graduated with my masters in mental health counseling, I landed my first dream job within the mental health field while also becoming a certified personal trainer and started my bodybuilding career.

Going out to eat
Within the years after that I became the Director of Mental Health supervising other practitioners, started my coaching business and was being paid to represent health.

I completely turned my life around from the inside out by changing my thoughts, building my self esteem, and getting to the root of what was holding me back.

This is what builds a life of self-mastery.

This is what we will do together.

Through my life experience, education in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Behavioral Change and extensive certifications within health coaching, I now lead women through transformational coaching programs that take them from self doubt and overthinking to living a life of freedom, happiness and success.

I believe everyone has a story that greatly affects their thoughts, beliefs, and actions. Everyone deserves to look and feel happy, empowered and free of mental chaos and with the right tools, support, and guidance, every woman can!

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